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2016 is here. It’s time to unlock your next level.

What It Is:


Everyone has a personal brand. The question is, do you manage yours?


Aaja Corinne’s Personal Brand Mentoring Program was created to help high-potential leaders build and refine their personal brands with purpose. This personal branding intensive provides the knowledge, accountability, clarity, direction, strategy and resources needed to set the foundation for your personal brand and achieve your personal branding goals.


Who Should Apply:


Aaja Corinne’s Personal Brand Mentoring Program is best suited for individuals that fall into one of two categories.


The Builder: “I have a vision, and I'm ready to build my personal brand. I just don’t know where to start.”


The Refiner: “I now have a better understanding of my purpose than when I first started. I need to revisit the basics to refine my personal brand and approach.”


What To Expect:


  • Training Modules delivered weekly to your e-mail inbox

  • Goal Setting Templates to help you develop your personal brand vision and produce measurable outcomes

  • E-mail Support for your pressing personal branding questions

  • Facebook Support Group for accountability, encouragement, and savvy tips to enhance your personal brand and image

  • Q&A Group Calls for clarity, learning, and masterminding

  • Private Learning Sessions for teaching moments, exclusively for members of the program

  • Social Media Audit customized just for you to help shape up your online presence




  • Knowledge of the essential elements of personal branding

  • Clarity on your message, audience, and goals

  • Accountability and direction to help you maintain focus and consistency on your personal brand building journey

  • Strategy to ensure that you are efficient and effective in the quest to achieve your personal branding goals

  • Curated resources and fresh perspective to help you develop your personal brand plan

  • Learning sessions to build upon your fundamental knowledge of personal branding

  • Custom recommendations on how to improve your online presence

  • Renewed confidence in knowing that your personal brand is working for you and not against you


When Does It Start:


Aaja Corinne’s Personal Brand Mentoring Program (6-week beta version) launches February 1st.




The investment for Aaja Corinne’s Personal Brand Mentoring Program (6-week beta version) is $500. Due to limited spacing, program fee must be paid-in-full to confirm enrollment.



Are you ready?


Applications for the 6-week beta program are now closed. Please subscribe to my mailing list for more information on future sessions.

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