I am a Personal Brand Strategist & Coach, helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs build brand authority to position them as the undeniable choice.
I know that you're ready to say goodbye to your 9 to 5. You feel like your purpose is bursting out of you on a daily basis, and you want to pursue your passions full-time. But the dots aren't connecting so easily from here to there, and a few challenges keep dancing around in your head:
I don't know how to get people to pay me for what I offer.
I feel all over the place in trying to communicate the many things that I do.
I don't have the time to consistently pursue anything outside of my 9 to 5.
I don't know what to post on social media to get people's attention.
I end up just giving my knowledge and services away for free because I'm so passionate!
And believe me, I totally understand. Flashback to 2011, and this was my story. A bright-eyed, college graduate, armed with my fashion degree and ready to take over the world. I had the skills and the charisma, so I thought that anyone should want to work with me. I quickly found out that it wasn’t that simple. The people that knew me weren’t interested in paying me for my premium services, and I really didn’t know how to reach anyone that I thought would be.
So, after a few months of barely getting by on the little money that I was earning ever so sparingly, I went back to work to figure my life out. My realization in that moment was that it takes more than skills to be an entrepreneur; it requires that you have systems in place to do business. Also, just knowing that you’re great at what you do isn’t enough. Other people need to know and trust you in order to feel comfortable paying you for what you do. And most importantly, you need to have a clear and distinct identity in order to thrive in an oversaturated and ever-changing marketplace.
Being a subject matter expert within the four walls of your workplace doesn’t guarantee that the general public will recognize you as the same. In order to successfully transition from the workplace to the marketplace, people need to know your name and understand what you're all about. Personal branding helps you to rise above the noise and establish your voice. It increases your credibility, and it grants you influence. It ensures that when you write the book, you don't release it to the sound of crickets. It positions you as the "go-to" and places you in high demand for speaking opportunities. It allows you to command a premium dollar for your products and services, and sell through them.
Fast forward to today, and I'm a full-time entrepreneur, earning significantly more than I ever have in any other professional setting. I speak at universities, corporations, conferences, and in collaboration with well-known brands as a recognized authority on personal branding, professional presence, and style. And I help clients across the country and across industries to develop game-changing, personal brands that fit them like a second skin. Entrepreneurship is attainable, yet the path to fruitfulness, sustainability, and impact begins by aligning your life's work with your true identity.